


  说起儿童启蒙的英语儿歌,就不得不提《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》了。这是一首在全世界流传最广的儿歌,而且也是全世界所有国家和文化的孩子们启蒙教育中最经典的第一首儿歌。中文版就是《小星星》。家长在教孩子学这首英文歌的时候可以先教他中文版的,等他熟悉了旋律之后再让他学习英文版的,那样可能会学得比较快,也能学得比较好。

  还有一些比较短的旋律简单的英语儿歌,如《Jack and Jill》:Jack and Jill went up the hill,to fetch a pail of water。Jack fell down,and broke his crown,and Jill came tumbling after。或者是《Eentsy weentsy spider》:the eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout,down came the rain,and washed spider out,out came the sun and dried up all the rain,and the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again。以及《Two little black birds》:two little black birds,sitting on a hill,one named Jack,one named Jill,fly away Jack,fly away Jill,Jack come back,Jill come back等。这些儿歌无论是歌词里的单词还是旋律都很简单,所以家长能够很轻易地就教会孩子怎么唱,还能够帮助孩子学习到不少的单词。